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Power & Energy

Energy security is an area of critical importance for the UK over the forthcoming decades. As older generation power stations are decommissioned new sources of electricity generation must be found. Concerns about nuclear power and the requirement to lower CO2 emissions are putting added pressure on this debate. New power generation infrastructure generally involves noise and requires noise assessment. The introduction of new noise sources can be controversial and strongly opposed by local residents. In all cases it is necessary to strike a balance between future energy needs and the amenity of local residents. NoiseAssess consultants have worked on planning applications for proposed power stations; wind farms; combined heat and power facilities (CHP); biogas plants; anaerobic digestion plants; gas turbines; diesel generators and other power generation facilities. We also have experience of noise assessments for new power lines. NoiseAssess has worked on a number of STOR projects (Short Term Operating Reserve) which are designed to provide reserve power generation capability to cater for peaks of demand on the National Grid.


Noise assessments for new power generation facilities are generally carried out in accordance with British Standard 4142. NoiseAssess consultants have very extensive experience in the use of BS4142 and in the process of agreeing suitable noise criteria with local authorities. Where limits are exceeded we are able to provide advice on mitigation measures. It is preferable for NoiseAssess to be called in at the beginning of the planning stage so that appropriate noise mitigation measures can be designed into the scheme. However, if complaints have been received about noise from an existing facility or a notice has been served by the Environmental Health Officer under the Environmental Protection Act we can carry out an investigation and provide advice on retrospective noise control measures.


Noise assessments are often required in connection with permitting regulations under the Pollution Prevention and Control Act and IPPC. Regulations require that operators implement noise mitigation measures to minimise noise levels using Best Available Techniques (BAT). Measures include acoustic barriers, acoustic enclosures, attenuators or silencers in ductwork, improving the sound insulation of buildings etc. NoiseAssess consultants are experienced in carrying out noise surveys and assessments for IPPC and in providing recommendations for noise control measures.

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